Sean Mosby, CPA

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  • McSweeney & Associates, APC, Grass Valley, CA, 2013-present
    Staff Accountant/Associate Auditor - Individual and entity tax return production, external audit services in nonpublic companies, nonprofit organizations, and local governmental entities.
  • Moss Adams, LLP, Rancho Cordova, CA, 2011-2013
    Senior Accountant - Tax preparation, planning, and review of Partnership, Corporate, and individual returns with an emphasis in Real Estate.
  • Novogradac & Company, LLP, San Francisco, CA, 2007-2011
    Senior and Staff Accountant - Obtained expertise in preparing, planning, reviewing, and supervising staff on client audits, tax returns, compliance engagements, and fraud audits in California and around the country.
  • BRM Consulting, Grass Valley, CA 2007-2007
    Consultant - Completed Sarbanes Oxley audits, compiled audit documentation, and analyzed walkthrough workpapers for international publicly traded company, Grass Valley Group, as well as on-site audits and interviews with clients in Kobe-Japan, Amsterdam-Netherlands, and Southwick-Massachusetts.


  • 2007 - California State University at Chico - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Emphasis in Accounting
  • 2011 - Certified Public Accountant - California
Category: Employees